Chapter 35

1 The wild and lonely areas will be happy for them; and the desert will be joyful and bloom like a rose.
2 It will bloom a lot and be happy with joy and singing. Lebanon’s beauty will belong to it, as well as the greatness of Carmel and Sharon. They will see God’s glory and greatness.
3 Make weak hands strong and steady shaking knees.
4 Tell those who are scared, “Be brave, don’t be afraid. Look, your God will come to punish, God will come to repay; he will come and rescue you.”
5 The eyes of those who cannot see will be opened, and the ears of those who cannot hear will be cleared.
6 Then the crippled person will jump like a deer, and the mute person’s tongue will sing. For water will flow in the wasteland, and rivers in the dry land.
7 The dry ground will turn into pools, and the thirsty earth will have water springs. Where dragons once lived, there will be grass with reeds and rushes.
8 A road will be there, a path called the Holy Way. Impure people won’t travel on it. It’s for God’s people; even if they are not wise, they will not go the wrong way.
9 No lion or fierce animal will be there, none will be found there; but those saved by God will walk there.
10 God’s rescued people will come back and arrive at Zion singing, with endless joy. They will be happy and joyful, while sadness and sighing will disappear.